This web page contains the legal terms and conditions of use under which visitors may use the website. If you do not agree with all of the policies as delineated below you must leave this website immediately.
InterConex, Inc. reserves the right to modify the policies contained herein at any time, without prior notice.
Information regarding products featured on this website is provided by the respective product manufacturers for the use of customers and prospective customers of InterConex, Inc. Visitors must acknowledge that the final authority as to the accuracy of any such description resides with the manufacturer of each product.
All information found on is provided AS IS, without any warranty of accuracy, express nor implied.
Outbound links on are provided for the convenience of visitors. Visitors must agree to hold InterConex, Inc. harmless for any potential injury or damage which may be caused by visiting said destination website.
Privacy Policy
InterConex, Inc. respects visitor privacy. Information submitted via the Contact, or other forms which may appear on the pages of will not be sold, rented, nor bartered to third parties. Such information may be used within InterConex, Inc. in the normal course of business.
The web server routinely collects visitor IP and other referrer information which may be used in the maintenance of the website and web server. The web server may cause one or more cookies to be placed on visitor computers for the purpose of enhancing the visitor’s experience.
Visitor metrics may also be used to better understand and service InterConex, Inc. customers and prospects. Aggregated visitor metrics may be used to improve the targeting of marketing efforts.
This website, (including all copy, images and other files existing on the web server), is the exclusive property of InterConex, Inc. Ownership of copy, logos, photos, and other artwork associated with InterConex, Inc. manufacturers is owned by the respective manufacturers, and is used with their permission.
Visitors must acknowledge that a written authorization is required prior to the use of any of the contents of Visitors must further acknowledged that unauthorized use of any material on this website is prohibited by the copyright laws of the United States.